May 28, 2024
 min read
Say Goodbye to QR Codes and Hello to Tabbed

The rise of QR codes in the restaurant industry, brought about by the need for contactless dining solutions amid the COVID-19 pandemic, has turned the dining experience into a tech-heavy, task-oriented process. While they have served their purpose, QR codes have become a burden for both customers and restaurants. It's time to move beyond QR codes and welcome a new player in the industry: Tabbed.

Tabbed is a frictionless payment solution that aims to redefine the dining experience, making it more enjoyable and efficient for customers, while simultaneously increasing profitability for restaurants. With the motto "walk in, eat, leave," Tabbed offers a seamless, luxurious dining experience that eliminates the need for outdated payment methods, such as QR codes.

The Problem with QR Codes

QR codes, while initially a practical solution, have turned dining into a cumbersome process. Customers must scan the code, navigate through digital menus, and often struggle with mobile ordering and payment systems. This tech-heavy experience detracts from the essence of dining out—enjoying good food and engaging in conversation with friends and family.

Moreover, long wait times for checks and payments lead to dissatisfied customers, who may leave lower tips and may not return. The restaurant industry has been slow to adopt seamless payment processes like other industries, leaving customers with outdated and inefficient solutions.

Introducing Tabbed

Tabbed eliminates the bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the existing payment process by streamlining all aspects into one simple action. As a Tabbed member enters the restaurant, their tab is automatically opened using geofencing technology. The moment an item is entered into the POS system, it is paid for, allowing the customer to leave whenever they please. This not only enhances the customer's dining experience but also saves valuable time for the restaurant staff.

Key Benefits of Tabbed

Tabbed's seamless POS integration sets it apart from other payment solutions. It integrates directly into the restaurant's existing POS system, eliminating the need for new hardware and preventing any learning curve for the waitstaff. The system runs in the background, completing the payment process without disrupting the restaurant's operations. This simple integration boosts restaurant profitability, saves money, and speeds up the checkout process, allowing for increased sales revenue.

By streamlining the checkout process, Tabbed allows customers to enjoy their dining experience at a comfortable pace while also increasing table turnover rates. This balance between customer satisfaction and business goals optimizes seating capacity and results in higher sales volume. Tabbed focuses on improving the overall dining experience by removing the need to wait for a check, sign a bill, or handle a credit card. This enables customers to concentrate on the ambiance, the company, and the meal itself, ultimately elevating their dining experience.

Tabbed empowers patrons to optimize their schedules by eliminating the inconvenience of waiting for a check. This assurance allows customers to enjoy their meals without concern during time-sensitive occasions, granting them peace of mind. As industries continue to evolve and adopt seamless payment processes, Tabbed is leading the charge in revolutionizing the restaurant industry.


It's time to bid farewell to QR codes and embrace the future of dining with Tabbed. This innovative solution enhances the dining experience for customers while simultaneously improving profitability and efficiency for restaurants. Don't let outdated technology like QR codes hold you back; switch to Tabbed and experience the future of dining today.

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